
Technology and Developments

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In a world changing so fast, we barely keep an eye on everything new. Technology and development are the foundation of human progress since we created the fire and started cooking our meals thousands of years ago. Since then, humanity has been pushing technology progress forward and forward. I want to share something with you all, if you don’t mind. The different pyramids around the world, the castles in China, the Giant stones, and many more identical unknown things were built many centuries ago. I’m not speaking about E.T. helping humanity or whatever, I’m just saying can you all imagine the technology they used to build those things. Can you imagine the genius of some people in those early centuries of civilization? All the effort, all the technology, all the developers working together, so we can be mind-blowed even in 21 century.

Technology Progress Pushing Forward

Since the beginning of the 20 century, when things like electricity and car engine were born, technology has been pushing forward with the speed of light. There is one unique Tv Show, called “The Knick”, showing the first operation and the development of technology of the early 20 century in New York City. If you are a technology freak, it is a must-watch. Some of the scientific books from 1960/1970/1980 predicted the future, and some tell stories of the real world happening right now, right here. Imagine that before there was a network like an internet, before it was a device like a computer, there were just radio waves and radio signals before the television and cinema. And all started from there. See how far it went. Now we can send signals to other planets and galaxies. We can see the stars and the planets where we could move someday in the future. How amazing is that?

The Latest Developments

The latest developments are just from today. Because for yesterday, they are old, and for tomorrow maybe not reasonable anymore. It doesn’t matter how much you read, watch, or being interested in the news of developments. There are always things that you have no idea exist.

So, I choose topics that I believe are very popular and interesting for you all. Later on, I will go even deeper into them and, of course, show you other mind-blowing technology developments.

What to Expect From the Blog

One of the topics that I will start with is for all of you who want to save the planet and want to be informed of how and what is the right way to go. Another one is for you all who like to look at the sky and imagine you are somewhere there, flying or living on another planet. Another one and one of my favorite ones is about you all music enthusiasts, music freaks, music lovers. It’s about a thing coming back to live stronger than ever, maybe changing the music industry once and for all.